Finance and Wealth Management



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The Song says that when a country has people to conquer and control, it becomes a country with people to own. However, when people start coming together and uniting, there is a potential for overthrowing the existing system. The chorus seems to express a desire for a shift in power dynamics and a call for individuals to question the status quo. It conveys a message of empowerment and resistance. Song Preview Lyrics: ” When The Country…..Has People To Conquer Then You’ve GOT A Country….With People To Own When The Country….Starts Sticking Together Then We Get A Country….You Can Overthrow “

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Song Lyrics

Hey…How Did We End Up Here…….
Paid For A Life We Can’t Steer
Over Controlled And Then Constantly Watched……
Tracked And Patrolled Like Somehow We Got Lost
Hey…How Did We Get This Life……
Slaves Dressed As Husband And Wife
Told How To Behave And How To React…..
Filled Up Full Of Words That Are Stated As Fact….
Nickeled And Dimed By The Bankers Who Don’t Pay The Tax
Offering Nothing While They Stay In The Black……..
Piling Up Debt On Top Of Whatever Is Left
While Others Are Sleeping In Cardboard Freezing To Death
You Know The Rest….
When The Country…..Has People To Conquer
Then You’ve GOT A Country….With People To Own 
When The Country….Starts Sticking Together
Then We Get A Country….You Can Overthrow   
Man…Why Did We Give Them Power?
Stand Around Every Flower
Indoctrinated From Birth Wherever We Go…..
Acting Like Father Knows Best As If We DIdn’t Know
Stealing Our Wallets Like Mobsters In Total Control …….
Protected By Bullies With Badges In Uniformed Clothes
Under Your Nose….Yeah……Hey…How Did We Get This Life…….
Slaves Become Husband And Wife
Now Told To Stay Home And When To Obey
Following News….Speading Fear Everyday
As If We Don’t Know How To Act Or How To Behave
Like Somehow We Lost All Control Of Ourselves In A Way
Still We Are Tracked By The Government Taking The Bait
With Nothing To Say
Man…Why Did We Give Them Power?….Stand Around Every Flower


Words And Music By “Burningsatan”



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