Finance and Wealth Management

Life Is On


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Song Lyrics

The times have changed…..
in a certain way
And just like the wind……..blows me away
What doesn’t cause pain……
will leave you insain
Until your left at the end, my friend..with what you gave away
Life Is On……Life Is On
Out here in the sunshine………
I only feel hope
I just want to eat this life…….and stay in the show
So if your in the darkness…….
at the end of your rope
I wanna save you my friend……..
don’t you ever lose hope
But while you are here…..
Blow me a kiss
Seal The Deal….
Throw The Switch
Life Is On…….Life Is On
It’s not like we’re so far gone……Life Is Still On and on and on
No famine, no war….
Ah wouldn’t that be nice
But our leaders chase cheddar…….all over the world
Like three blind mice
So ladies and gents……I would not take their advice
Or You’ll Be pulling down your pants….or rolling up your sleeves……and sliding on thin ice
This is no joke….
We’re all on some list
Come on….Let’s Seal The Deal …..And Throw The Switch
Life Is On……..Life Is On
Celebrate all that you want….Life is just on and on
Sing it as loud as you want..Life Is still on and on and on and on
The tree is tall…..And the ground is so hard
We all find out why…..
when we depart
So we should be close….
A whole lot closer than this
Come on let’s Seal The Deal……Throw The Switch
Life Is On……..Life Is On
Even when it all going wrong…..Life is still On and On and On…
Celebrate all that you want….Life is just on and on and on and on and On and On and On and On and On and On

Words and Music by “Burningsatan”


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