Finance and Wealth Management



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Song Lyrics

How Many People Is It Gonna Take
Before We Make The Same Mistake
How Many Good Souls Is It Gonna Be
That Wake Up From A Tired Little Sleep 
God Help Us All Get Better…. God Help Us Stand Together
Oh What’s It Gonna Take…..To Feel The Wind In Your Hair
Tell Me What’s It Gonna Take…..To Spread The Love Everywhere
Oh What’s It Gonna Take….To Open Up The Heart And See
Tell Me What’s It Gonna Take….Before We All Stand Free
How Many People Is It Gonna Take
Before Everybody Is Wide Awake
How Many New Souls Will It Be
That Finally Set Everyone Free
God Help Them See The Evil….God Help Them Feel The Needle
Oh What’s It Gonna Take…..To Feel The Wind In Your Hair
Tell Me What’s It Gonna Take…..To Spread A Little Love Everywhere
Oh What’s It Gonna Take….To Open Up The Heart And See
Tell Me What’s It Gonna Take….Before We All Stand Free 
What’s It Gonna Take……Yeah…What’s It Gonna Take
What’s It Gonna Take……Yeah…What’s It Gonna Take


Words And Music By “Burningsatan”


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