Finance and Wealth Management

7 Realm


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Download Full Song “7 Realms” Now !

Song Lyrics

Realms below us….With realms above
One is filled with hatred….Another full of love
We’re in the 7 Realms…..7 Realms

You see the world is round….Oh and the world is flat
And everyone seems happy….Yet so so sad
We’re in the 7 Realms…..7 Realms
Someone went hungry…..But I got fat
Then I turned angry….When things went bad
We’re in the 7 Realms…..7 Realms
Yeah the politicians…..They speak in tongues
Yet I hear nothing…..From a single one
We’re in the 7 Realms…..7 Realms
No need to be nasty
Better off if we could be
A little more heavenly…Yeah
No need to feel strange
Do away with the pain
And make greed go away…Yeah

Words and music by “Burningsatan”


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